Hamish Riley-Smith

Rare Books And Manuscripts

John Stuart Mill

Speech Of J.Stuart Mill Esq., M.P. For Westminster Upon The Reform Bill, Delivered In The House Of Commons, April 13th, 1866

MILL,John Stuart. Speech of J.Stuart Mill Esq., M.P. for Westminster upon the Reform Bill, delivered in the House of Commons, April 13th, 1866. From the "Daily Telegraph." London, Diprose & Bateman 1866

Octavo, cloth boards, spine lettered gilt, pp16, title lightly dust stained, with 2 other works bound in and described below, H.R.Fox Bourne, John Stuart Mill: Notices of his life and works 1873 and John Stuart Mill, England and Ireland 1868

First and only edition . Rare no copy in Copac.

bound with


MILL,John Stuart. England and Ireland. Second edition. London, Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer 1868 Octavo, grey boards, pp.44 2nd edition

bound with

FOX-BOURNE,H.R. and others. John Stuart Mill: Notices of his Life and Works. . Together with Two Papers written by him on the Land Question. Reprinted from the Examiner. London, E.Dallow 1873 Octavo, pp.vi, (2), 75.

First edition. Includes W.T.Thornton, His Career in the India House; Henry Trimen, His Botanical Studies; W.Minto, His Miscellaneous Criticisms; J.H.Levy, His Work in Philosophy; W.A.Hunter, His Studies in Morals and Jurisprudence; J.E.Cairnes, His Work in Political Philosophy; Henry Fawcett, His Influence at the Universities, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, His Influence as a Practical Politician; Frederic Harrison, His relation to Positivism; W.A.Hunter, His Position as a Philosopher. Mill's papers are Advice to Land Reformers and Should public bodies be required to sell their lands?

Mill had been elected Rector of the University of St Andrew's by the students. He wrote of his Inaugural Address there "I gave expression to many thoughts and opinions which had been accumulating in me through life, respecting the various studies which belong to a liberal education, their uses and influences, and the mode in which they should be pursued to render their influences most beneficial. The position taken up, vindicating the high educational value alike of the old classic and the new scientific studies, on even stronger grounds than are urged by most advocates, and insisting that it is only the stupid inefficiency of the usual teaching which makes these studies be regarded as competitors instead of allies, was, I think, calculated, not only to aid and stimulate the improvement which has happily commenced in the national institutions for higher education, but to diffuse juster ideas than we often find, even in highly educated men, on the conditions of the highest mental cultivation". J S Mill, Autobiography p.307.

John Stuart Mill - Speech Of J.Stuart Mill Esq., M.P. For Westminster Upon The Reform Bill, Delivered In The House Of Commons, April 13th, 1866

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