Hamish Riley-Smith

Rare Books And Manuscripts

Samuel Fothergill

Liberty, Licence And Prohibition: An Examination Of The Arguments Of John Stuart Mill, In His Work On Liberty, In Relation To The Liquor Traffic

FOTHERGILL,Samuel. Liberty, Licence and Prohibition: an examination of the arguments of John Stuart Mill, in his work on liberty, in relation to the liquor traffic. Manchester : Tubbs & Brook ; London : W.Tweedie no date circa 1859-1873

Octavo, cloth boards, 26pp

First and only edition of this very rare tract by Samuel Fothergill on temperance and prohibition which he argues is "a mild application of Mr Mill's own fundamental principle, which he lays down as guide in determining how far the Legislature is warranted in limiting personal liberty for the sake of the general well-being..."

Very rare. Wellcome Library only in copac


Samuel Fothergill - Liberty, Licence And Prohibition: An Examination Of The Arguments Of John Stuart Mill, In His Work On Liberty, In Relation To The Liquor Traffic

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