Hamish Riley-Smith

Rare Books And Manuscripts


Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla

Warsaw, Przeglad Tygodniowy 1879

DYGASINSKI, Adolf. Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla. Warsaw, Przeglad Tygodniowy 1879

Quarto, contemporary Polish quarter calf and cloth boards, spine lettered gilt, pp.354,ii, extremities with wear, hinges weakened, paper browned due to paper stock, binder’s label inside front cover of E.Wolski in Radom.

VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of a Polish Millian logic, summarized, written and compiled by Adolf Dygasinski [1830-1902]. He was an educationist, journalist and writer of short stories, and he was acquainted with Positivism. “Western liberals – particularly English liberals – were extolled within a specifically Polish debate – Adam Wislicki, the editor and publisher of the positivists’ organ Przeglad Tygodniowy [The Weekly Review] hoped to shift attention from ‘high politics’ [the abstract problems of international diplomacy] towards ‘little politics’.” Mill followed closely events in Poland in the 1860’s, as his Letter on Poland published in the Penny Newsman of March 15 1863 proves. This work by Dygasinski appeared as the eleventh volume of the Panteon Wiedzy Ludzkiej and appears to be amongst the rarest of the volumes of this series.

Estreicher, XIX, vol.IV, p.179. Not in the BL or COPAC. See Porter, English Liberalism & Polish Nationalism [IN] American Historcal Review, vol 101, no.5 Dec 1995, pp.1470-77.



Adolf DYGASINSKI - Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla
Adolf DYGASINSKI - Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla
Adolf DYGASINSKI - Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla
Adolf DYGASINSKI - Logica podlug Johna Stuarta Milla

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